

One House left standing 1971

October                               1972

Stage Door Johnnies          1974 

Abracadabra                        19 75

Touchpaper                          1984

Voices                                    1986

 Love in the Afternoon        1988

Summer with Andrew Warren   1997

The Lost and the Lovers             2004

The Minor Fall the Major Lift     2007

The Meeting of the Waters        2012

When Daylight Arrives               2015

Over Dark Apples                      2019

A Pocket Full Of Love Songs    2022


When I was a child 1971

Smile your blues away 1971

Speedbreaker 1973

Geronimmo's Cadillac 1974

Rory                                1975

First Night in New York 1980

The Moon is a Powerful Lover 1982

Awaken:larkrise   1986

Glastonbury     1988

Domesday/Jerusalem 1989

Someday we'll all be together 1989

The Moon is a Powerful Lover re-mix 1998 

When are Wars Won? EP   2004

Claire performing with her Northern band